I go through my comments and I find that only 2 comments out of 9 aren't spam. What is up with all this spam?! I have word verification and everything! Ugh, it's so frustrating to have to go through and delete all of them.
Anyway, my fourth class at UoP ended last Monday. I'm starting a new class this Monday and I haven't even met the teacher yet. In fact, our discussion page isn't even set up yet so she took the time to email everyone the syllabus. Why? Because we have an essay due, the first day of class. About three chapters we're suppose to read.
Why, nice to meet you too!
Ugh. Sometimes I think college isn't for me. But I do love this school and I am excited for my career, so I just have to shut up and suck it up.
My Amazon order isn't coming in this week, which means I get no new books this week. Well that's not completely true. I got 3 books this week so far for review, one of which I'm really excited to read (Siren by Tricia Rayburn). I also got an email back from Penguin Publishing finally and they approved my request for the two ARC's I wanted. So I'm excited about that as well! Now if only I could get an email back from HarperTeen...
I've realized that I spore up and my brain turns into mush in the summer. It's just too freakin hot to think or do anything. I can't wait until Fall, that's when I wake up and start getting creative. I love cool and cold weather!
I wish I had asked my dad to get me a chocolate parfait... darn.